Summer Fruits

Summer brings with it an abundance of juicy fruits that have come to symbolize the season itself. The first to come to mind are strawberries and all the delightful stone fruits, with mangoes, apricots, peaches, and plums as typical seasonal favorites.

Eating lots of fruits during this season helps keep the body cool, supplying it with essential nutrients and antioxidants. But for that, it’s important to understand which are genuinely considered ‘summer fruits’ grown locally during the season.

Summer Fruits

Different Types of Fruits That Are in Season During Summer

June, July, and August are for summer in the United States. Still, the seasons’ temperatures and intensity vary between the country’s regions. As a result, the time for the fruits to ripen and be ready to be eaten can also vary.

Here is a list of all the common summer fruits:

Some summer fruits, like raspberries and apricots, may be available as early as late spring in some Southern and Western US states, like California, and throughout summer in the rest of the country.

Fruits like peaches, strawberries, and blueberries can be found in farmer’s markets from mid to end of summer in the South, Midwest, and Western United States. These come in season later in summer for states in the Northeast and Pacific Northwest. 

So, the only way to get a box of fresh summer fruits is to keep an eye out for them at the local farmer’s market.


What is an example of a late summer fruit? 

Fig would be a good example of late summer fruit as it is available around July and August in the South, West, and Midwest. Coming across fresh, locally-grown figs in the Northeast is difficult altogether.

Are there any citrus fruits that are in season during the summer?

Citrus fruits are typically winter fruits; few varieties grow in summer except lemons and limes. But grapefruits and certain orange types are usually available at supermarkets all year long.